
she's just a girl who loves books.

Is that a bunch of tropes in your pocket or are you happy to see me?
FOUR HEARTS--Come along with me won't you? Join me in the tropey goodness of Unshakable Faith.Because I'm still huffing the fumes of this OTT treat. If I had to quickly descri...
Unshakeable Faith - Lisa Worrall
updated shelf:
Unshakeable Faith - Lisa Worrall Primal Need: A Sexy Male/Male Shifter Anthology: Wolf in King's ClothingThe Alpha's ClaimDark Water - Holley Trent, Parker Foye Two for Trust (Dreamspun Desires Book 34) - Elle Brownlee
1 1/2 out of 3 ain't bad?
THREE HEARTS--For a shifter anthology, this didn't deliver as expected. (avg. doesn't include the 2nd story) Wolf in King's Clothing by Parker Foye - 3.5-3.75 Hearts They call...
Primal Need: A Sexy Male/Male Shifter Anthology: Wolf in King's ClothingThe Alpha's ClaimDark Water - Holley Trent, Parker Foye
Snoozefest delight
A Tag Team Review with Sara!BROKEN HEART--How to sum up Two for Trust?I've been wanting to read something from this author for a while. And once I read the blurb and saw the c...
Two for Trust (Dreamspun Desires Book 34) - Elle Brownlee
This book really didn't work for me. I swear unreliable narrator stories only work if there's an actual twist to be had. Also...
Finding Mr. Wrong starts off with Matthew having a near-death experience. He is the very successful owner of the family run f...
I don't think I've ever read a book where a couple deserved a 'happily ever after' more. "Unquiet" is the third book in Melan...
I don't know how to rate the part I've read. I loved Coy's chapters, but August's dragged on and on. He had no will and no ...
This book is C-wA_A-a-Z-YY!Feels like Times Square, honestly :D ~~~The sheer amount of cultural references is mind-bogglin...
This book didn't work for me. I kept getting distracted by characters' musings, which resulted in skimming pages. The ending ...
I tried, I really really tried :/ I made it to 60% (barely) and it was either me or the book. Guess who had to go. Origin...
Very monotonous. It was somewhat OK for the first half, but short after I stopped caring for pretty much everything and every...
Good luck following the story. It makes no sense whatsoever.Skip it, don't waste your time.

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Starfighter Chapter 2 by HamletMachine
Starfighter by HamletMachine