The Ghost on My Couch

The Ghost on My Couch - L.A. Gilbert Sometimes, you just need a book like this. A quirky, funny, M/M romance with an adorable pet (Baldrick the tailless, one-eared, three legged cat) and funny ass friends to make you just appreciate life in general. I'm not sure it really counts as paranormal since for most of the book one of the main characters was a ghost, Mr. Sid Jones. It's almost sexless, so you M/M smut fiends might not care for this as much but I did. It was just SO funny. A bit mushy. And plenty entertaining. From beginning to end. I adored Alex and Sid together, they realized the best qualities of each other during their "ghostly co-habitation period"Andy, I love friends like him. I think I sympathize cause I have a lot of Andy qualities in me. The story was the right length, right tone, just a really good story.Me likey.