Okay, now I can see the appeal of this author...

3.75 HEARTS--Okay, now I can see the appeal of this author.
As my second Cardeno C, it went a lot better than expected.
Maybe I needed to listen rather than read? This narrator Robert M. Clark did a really great job.
Or maybe it was the stalking and possessiveness a la crazytrain territory?
Don't judge. ;P
I have a weakness for those types in romance. (Do not condone it in real life)
And this was all subtle crazytrain: Level 4 or 5 from a certain basketball player hero. Nothing outrageous compared to threatening to kill their beloved if they ever left them. Just stalking and a little B & E (breaking and entering).
Present day Rafi is a real estate lawyer, with great friends and a good life. It was better than twelve years ago in high school, where he was bullied by basketball player Isaac Jones. He's over that...until he gets a blast from the past on an outing with friends from his childhood tormentor. Isaac is still as good looking as in high school, currently a NBA player, rich and shouldn't even be in Rafi's town, since Isaac plays 2000 miles away.
Isaac acts as if he and Rafi are friends and slowly yet firmly inserts himself into Rafi's life.
The tall, dark and handsome NBA player is straight to public. But his pursuit of Rafi says otherwise. Be damned of Rafi's feelings since he was bullied for years due to the other man.
Highly improbable. Isaac just shows up after 12 years and stalks Rafi for months and just assumes they'll be forever together?
Definitely illogical. Rafi was hurt. He is still hurt. Those feelings are deeply etched into his psyche. His bully breaks into his house, woos him into submission and doesn't fully explain himself...but he trusts him?
This is madness.
It's crazy.
And yet...it worked.
Rafi is the narrator of the story. Robert M. Clark did justice to his snark and the overall tone. The story doesn't make excuses for his feelings. Isaac is just crazy in love. It takes a while (we're talking days) but Rafi sees the Isaac Jones crazy light and loves being 'dominated' by the man.
Thank goodness this was short, I'm unsure how I'd feel with a novel of this. Normally, this kind of stuff in paranormal works for me. But I've read this author's paranormal and it didn't click.
A Shot of Forgiveness? I ate it up. Or I should say I was captivated enough to finish this audiobook in one sitting.
The sex was hot - these two couldn't get enough of each other once the boxers were pulled down. I guess that touch of cray did wonders for the libido. I guess B & E works like a box chocolates in Cardeno C's romancelandia. Whatever...it worked for these two.
Would read this and listen to this again.
I kind of wish Isaac was a little more accountable with his B & E, and stalking. His motivation doesn't justify his actions. No hint of remorse, it was just supposed to be accepted. Rafi protested a little but once the D entered the picture...so did the protests.
Other than that, I was entertained.