So a Civil War unicorn soldier delivers a package to a haunted butthole see...

Bask in the motherfucking greatness that is a unicorn soldier!
*nods in awe*
Chucky Chuck Chuck, what the actual motherfuck?
Listen. You're listening? I think you are. So read this: you think you're good with the dino stuff (and you are) but you succeed with uniporn.
It's like there. And I'm here. You're bringing me there. WTF? I am still laughing and aroused at the same time and it's like however many "Tinglers" from you. Your plots? *smh* A Civil War unicorn soldier ghost?
It's like I get a hand delivered gift a la:
from Dr. Tingle. I appreciate it.
I hate ghost stories, erotica, romance, whatever, but for Chucky Chuck Chuck, I read. And enjoyed myself.
Chuck Tingle delivered a hot little PWP set in Georgia at a haunted B & B that is inhabited by not just a regular ghost. Fuck that. Chuck Tingle came to mingle, so it's haunted by a civil war unicorn soldier by the name of "COLONEL PEACH" (Sup Peachy)
Roger is mourning his dead unicorn lover Paulo and is searching for a sign from the great glittery stable in the sky. And it cums. How? In the form of 2 unicorn ghosts, Paulo and Colonel Peach.
“I have come here to deliver a message from beyond. I have come to bring you a message from Paulo.”
The sound of my dead lovers name causes my heart to skip a beat. “What is it?” I stammer. “Tell me.”
As I say the words I can feel a slight tingling begin deep within my ass, in a place that only Paulo could reach with his massive unicorn cock. In this moment I realize that Paulo’s spirit is inside of me, haunting my ass.
“Paulo has a message from the great beyond.” The unicorn colonel tells me. “A message of passion and fire, a message of love.”
“I can feel it.”
And Colonel Peach isn't here to leave glitter trails, gum drops and candy sticks...wait...well maybe if candy stick is a major D for the monster cock he's packing betwixt his legs. And Roger, the lovely recipient got that packaged delivered into his fuck chute. HARD!
“I can feel him deep within my butt.”
The unicorn colonel nods. “Yes, but he’s always been there, haunting your ass while you worked, slept… cried.”
My face while reading this gem:
Oh the quotes. The laughs. The Tingle.
Not as kinky as his others, this one was different because it featured 'topping from the bottom' from the HUMAN. I love that! Roger trying to hop onto the magnificent unicorn staff. Finally the humans a little more in there, if you catch my drift.
Don't worry, Colonel Peach came to his senses and brought that fuck truck to Pound Town in the end.
#oopshetingledagain #unipornisalwaywinning #ChuckyChuckChuckedHARD #BOOM #unicornsslapdatass #watchittingle #4-5stars #doitforPaulo