18% Gray

Good story, interesting world in a Sci-fi/ dystopian way. There were times where the story was inundated with too many secondary characters - Matt has about fifty-eleventy cousins I couldn't keep up with them all. I stopped caring after having the third one step on the scene.
Ugh to Beni...I don't like her. I thought I might in the beginning but that horny nun got on my nerves.
Matt and James - good characters with good depth. I liked their story, the slow burn quality to their relationship. And major props to having a MC with a prosthetic leg. Plus I am not a fan of psychics in my fiction but I liked James in this instance. His powers are cool.
I thought the red and blue states having a civil war and separating in the future...that was genius!
Just a lot of words to wade through to get to the end. Man did that feel like a super long story.