Written Request

4 Hearts-- "You know, answering my questions is no different to sucking my cock."

This serial/series keeps getting better as it progresses!
Scott comes up with an innocent request for Joe. But the Dominant takes the idea and runs with it. It's "Boots Night". Don't know what that is? I didn't either but I sure learned quick.
"Sex makes me less nervous than talking to you."
Poor Scott didn't know what he was in for. Loved it.
And the ladies restroom scene was icing on the smut cake. But the cake part? That is Joe an Scott starting to learn each other and build a foundation between each other. Definitely plan on reading more of this series!
Here's one more quote for the road!
"Joe let his lips twist into a grin once more. "I'm going to screw you until you scream."
And he did. ;P