Dallas in Wonderland - Julie Lynn Hayes A Hearts On Fire Review TWO & A HALF STARS--Julie Lynn Hayes' "Dallas in Wonderland" is a MM version of the famous Alice in Wonderland. Dallas, the main character, recently broke up with his cheating boyfriend, he left campus and moved into off campus converted Victorian mansion. Up until this point, I was clear on what was happening.Then enter, the non-doctor, Dr. Samuel Levi. He pops up at weird times and different places. No one is sure what he does, who he is, if he's magical or a hallucination. He was an odd duck. Part mysterious, part stalker, part creepy - the fake doctor floated Dallas' boat. Who wouldn't find an older forty-fiftyish ginger long haired shortish guy with copper eyes who likes to cross dress? I guess he could be compared to the 'Mad Hatter' role.I didn't buy the sexual tension between Dallas and Samuel. And when these two did have sex, it was warm. There were Village People and strawberry flavored waters and madness in Dallas' dreams? It's a bit unclear as to what Dallas is having -are they dreams? Hallucinations? Figments of an overactive imagination?And the ending wasn't even a HFN, it was more of a WTF/ cliffhanger sort of ending. I had more questions at the end then in the beginning. Do I want to continue on to read more of Dallas' adventures/dreams/hallucinations/psychosis? Not really but then again I'm not an Alice in Wonderland megafan. Fans of the quirky original tale might enjoy this story the best. The writing is decent albeit slightly kooky. Some character names' (Dallas has a 7 year old nephew named Ozymandias- seriously?!) were out there. And then the 7 year old acted more like an adult, I'm not that keen with those types of characterizations. But he helped move this odd story along.All in all, an okay story. I do hope if there is a continuation all of the questions will be answered.